Monday, April 20, 2009

What's your score?

Sadie wanted a princess ball for her birthday. Just imagine, oodles of 3 to 4 year-olds dressed in yards of tulle, adorned with pointy wands and sharp heels, a repeat of what we did for Kira's 5th.

Poor little middle child, I couldn't guilt myself into it. Instead, we talked our little darling into a family bowling party. It was hysterical, a true comedy of errors. Even with the bumper rails we managed to gutter every other ball. Sadie had the best technique, she would simply throw the ball down and than blow on it. On more than one occasion the ball stopped mid-way and rolled back to her. We could have counted more dents in the floor then downed pins.

Kira was a little more serious about her game, she tried kicking, pushing, rolling, throwing, and sliding the ball down the lane. She had much better luck than the rest of our group bowling an astounding 87. Not bad for her first game.

Brie enjoyed running down the lanes more than rolling the balls. She was all giggles and smiles watching mom and dad chase after her. She especially enjoyed watching mom slip on the oiled floors, Ker-Splat.

By the end of round 7, the novelty had worn off so we surrendered. After pizza and french fries..we called it a night and returned to our undisturbed abode. The day is coming when we won't be able to get out of BIG birthday bashes so easily.

For today, I count my blessings that Sadie's smiles come so easily. We love you Sadie Lady.

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