Friday, May 15, 2009

Letting Go

It started as a typical Thursday morning, all was progressing as usual. While Sadie was eating her Cinnamon Toast and watching Clifford, I started the most dreaded task of the morning, Sadie's HAIR. It is long, baby fine, and naturally curly which has lead to her developing a zero tolerance policy when it comes to combs, brushes, and anything of the sort.

Feeling ambitious on this particular morning with a few extra minutes to work with, I decided on the double french braid. The first side went reasonably well, but half way through the second, Sadie was done. Unfortunately, I stubbornly refused defeat and the battle began.

Sadie arrived at Joyschool 15 minutes late with tear stained cheeks and red, swollen eyes. I arrived at the gym already hot and sweaty. That is when I realized I needed an intervention and called a professional.

Sadie has been asking me to cut her hair off for months now. I routinely hide the scissors to prevent her from doing it herself. The very idea of cutting off those golden ringlets makes me tremble with anxiety.

Turns out that with Trachelle's amazing talent Sadie looks fabulous with short hair. It totally fits her spunky personalty.

The most amazing change has been in Sadie's attitude, she is more agreeable, positive, and happy. I realize that she really thrives when she gets to make her own decisions. I'm going to try and let her do that more often.


Tiffanie N. said...

Nice job mommy! Liz has been begging me to do the same for about a month. I told her to wait until summer . . . wait until . . . I don't know. I just don't want to cut off all the pretty blonde hair. But it needs to be done so Lizzie and Sadie may be twins soon, minus the curls. I'll have to deal with that when TAli's hair thickens up.

Michelle S.J. said...

Love LOVE love the sassy curls.

Can't wait to see them in a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful and will enjoy that especially this summer. MaKenna and Kaysia has had there hair cut also.

AlaskaSteph- said...

They are all so beautiful and growing up so fast.
Prom is just around the corner, but then it will be can we go have our hair and make up done at the salon?