Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fishing at Hope

We took Grandpa Keith fishing in Hope. The water was thick with Pink Salmon. The fish were so abundant that kids were scooping them up with nets.

The girls were hysterical to watch. Kira likes to fish but is reluctant to get too close to them once they are out of the water. Sadie is not as interested in fish as she is to throwing rocks in the water. Little Brie on the other hand can't get enough, first in the water and last to be dragged out. She is absolutely fearless.

She wanted to hold this little guy in the car on the way home. She was quit upset when we told her no.

Fishing in Alaska, makes the little lake trout I grew up with pale in comparison.


Grandpa and his girls

Sadie and Daddy.


Lindsay said...

So cute! So fun to take girls fishing- I love how they're all so different!

Tiffanie N. said...

The picture of Brielle with the fish is priceless! How cute.